Get Compliant in 2021! CodeRite Healthcare Consulting is now offering a fully customized compliance plan for medical practices.

Here is what you will get:


An up to date employee handbook delivers value to both your practice and your employees. Employee Handbook is an introduction to new employees, about company policies, procedures, and culture of your practice. For the employer, it provides legal evidence that the practice’s policies are consistent with and encourages adherence to State employment laws.


Does your practice have a policies and procedures manual? Is there a binder that is collecting dust in some corner shelf in your office?

Policies and procedures are the most integral part of a successful compliance plan. An effective compliance plan ensures that your practice is assessing risks and taking appropriate steps to mitigate them. Policies and procedures are designed to influence and determine all major decisions and actions, and all activities take place within the boundaries set by them. Our policies and procedure manual is fully customized to your practice operations. Whether large or small, our expert compliance officers work closely with your staff in developing a comprehensive compliance plan. For a detailed list of policies, contact our office.


The HIPAA Security Rule defines a risk analysis as an “accurate and thorough assessment of the potential risks and vulnerabilities to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of electronic protected health information held by the covered entity or business associate.” Non-compliance with HIPAA rules can result in monetary and civil penalties for the providers as well as risk removal from federal programs such as Medicare. Performing annual risk assessment gives you an opportunity to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities, but the risk analysis will also allow you to take action to safeguard PHI, which can protect your practice from severe fines and even jail time for individuals responsible. CodeRite utilizes a proprietary tool to assess risk and makes recommendations to implement policies and procedures to mitigate them.


The Office of Inspector General puts high priority on proper billing and coding and they are considered big risk areas for compliance. With new 2021 E&M guideline changes, many providers are looking for expert documentation guidelines from coders. Our certified coders and auditors will conduct a baseline chart audit and provide training and guidance for providers on proper documentation and coding.


Along with comprehensive employee handbook and a policies and procedures manual, you want to ensure that your employees are properly trained in practice operations and government guidelines. Our compliance plan includes training for your staff on newly developed policies and procedures.

For more information, please call our office to speak with a certified compliance officer, and we will help you get the compliant in 2021!