Accounts Receivable Medical Billing Allen TX

Accounts Receivable / practice management oversight:
Do you need help with clearing your outstanding accounts receivable? We can help put more money in your pocket and provide training to significantly reduce A/R in the future.

Staff productivity and operational efficiency:
Many medical practices are running smoothly and don’t need much outside intervention, but having a consultant come in from time to time gives you a complete picture of how your practice is actually performing. We have helped clients significantly reduce their A/R by performing follow-ups on denied and unpaid claims. We have also assisted practices optimize their scheduling and support staff. We have provided hours of training to front office and billing staff on patient collections, insurance verification and proper billing practices. These are things that providers don’t have time to deal with and therefore, we lend a helping hand and an extra pair of eyes to ensure that every corner of your practice is running efficiently and most importantly, you are collecting every dollar you have worked so hard for!!

Keeping up with constant changes in the industry is vital for the health and success of your practice. Our training modules are completely customized based on your needs. Whether you need HIPAA training for your staff or documentation training for your physicians, we can help you stay current and compliant.

New Practice Start-up support:
Starting a new private practice can be very exciting as well as overwhelming. There are a ton of things to do in every department before opening your door to the patients. We can help you in several areas, such as, credentialing and enrollment, implementing EHR, hiring staff, ordering supplies and setup and much more.